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Win Chai is a Somatic Alchemist, Spiritual Mentor and Quantum Healer

She is fiercely devoted to truth and human potential.

Win grew up playing classical piano, making art, and reading too many books. After college, she backpacked across Asia for a year and was struck by metalwork and jewelry. She then studied with world class goldsmiths, created her brand and ran a handmade boutique business for over a decade. At the same time she was also guided to begin mentoring people privately and training in somatic healing, breath work and ceremony. Win holds powerful transformational group experiences and works closely with private clients when she’s not traveling, hiking barefoot in the mountains, petting cats, or making exquisite jewelry.

Win envisions a world where people awaken their true power and thrive in abundance, freedom, and beauty.



I see you.

You are a mature soul.

You are already doing the work.

You have a high degree of awareness, integrity and self responsibility.

You are grounded in yourself.

You know who you are and what you want.

Yet a few things seem to stand in your way, keeping you from doing what you came here to do and who you came here to be.

These things slow you down or make you feel stressed, anxious or unworthy.

They might lead to conflicts or misunderstandings in your relationships, block your financial abundance, make you feel burnt out, hopeless, or simply restless and impatient to get on with it already.

This is where I come in.

I am a counselor, trusted guide, and companion who can go into the the depths with you.

I help you hone in on these things.

We go to the source and unravel these issues with precision and power.

We work subtly with the somatic body, multidimensionally with the quantum field, and directly through intuitive coaching and conversation.

Going to the source of the issue prevents all the grind, hustle hard work and exhaustion of countless actions on the periphery.

Problems evaporate, and everything around you changes and shifts into new alignments and easily reveals new potentials.

Your loved ones and people around you begin to act differently.

You find yourself making new choices without even meaning to.

Most of all, you feel different inside.

You discover you are enjoying your new self.

What used to be hard is easy now.

What used to seem impossible now feels only natural.

It’s hard to remember how you used to be because this way feels so much more like who you are.

Life’s lightness, pleasure and fun returns to you and overflows into your world.

This is the power of our work together.

One more thing.

This work is not hard work.

Yes, you must be willing and ready to change.

Yes, you must have the courage to go deep and trust the process.

Yes, you must invest in yourself and show up.

And it’s 1000% worth it.

My beloved clients tell me they look forward to our sessions.

They tell me our calls are the highlight of their week or month.

Even amidst massive transformation they feel grounded, peaceful and blissful.

They tell me they feel safe, supported held and seen in our sacred space together.

After each session, my clients tell me how they are changing and their lives are blossoming.

  • How they healed 50+ years of unworthiness overnight

  • How their sons and daughters are acting differently without them doing anything differently

  • How they got the job they wanted

  • How they started the podcast and taught the course

  • How they stood on stage and spoke and sang their wild hearts out

  • How they went from gasping climbing upstairs to hiking a steep mountain trail with friends

  • How their partnership is flowering into more intimacy and deliciousness

  • How a huge weight was lifted and their story of their life is changing from hopelessness to delight

It’s a joy for me to witness and hear they are awakening their true power and thriving in these challenging times.

If this is you, let’s see if we are meant to work together.

I trust that if you know, you know.

And when you know it, you know it.

This is why you are drawn to me.

This is why we are here.

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